Figure it out is a consultancy service provided by Dr Chris Stride, an applied statistician
based at the Institute of Work Psychology, University of Sheffield. Chris has over 20 years experience
in advising and teaching researchers, academics and graduate students of wide-ranging ability
and understanding.
We specialise in...
- The application of statistical techniques in psychology, business/management, sociology, and other social sciences
- The provision of statistical training for those employed or researching
in these fields
- Statistical software training courses; specifically in the use of generalist statistics
package SPSS and path analysis software Mplus
- Advice and support in data management and documentation; let us bash your messy data into shape!
Mplus code for testing mediation / moderation / moderated-mediation hypotheses here!
Forthcoming Public Training Courses
In 2024 I am having a sabbatical year from running live-streamed and face-to-face public courses.
However I am offering recordings of my courses for a bargain price, along with an accompanying 30 minute Q&A session via zoom. Click here to purchase:
- Structural Equation Modelling using Mplus
- Testing Mediation and Moderation using Mplus
- Multilevel Modelling using Mplus
- Latent Growth Curve Modelling using Mplus
- Testing Mediation and Moderation in SPSS (PROCESS macro)
- Multilevel Modelling using SPSS
- Data Management using SPSS Syntax
I am still running inhouse and bespoke training, either face-to-face or live-streamed, in 2024 - details here
We are always available to provide inhouse training
in SPSS syntax and macros, multiple regression (using SPSS), multilevel modelling (using SPSS or Mplus),
mediation/moderation testing (using SPSS or Mplus), structural equation modelling (using Mplus), Bayesian analysis (using Mplus)
and latent growth curve modelling (using Mplus).